Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kathmandu - Nepal. September 2009


Unknown said...

yo James !!

looks like uve had fun since u left NZ :) hope things are going well for ya dude

flick me an email, reaperz@gmail.com

dont kill any tourists, including yourself!!

always love ya ;) :p.

PS i bet no-one has broken matius 2 1/2hr long phonecall he had near the end of the year in 08, that was crazy shit

Unknown said...

ooh and now i ticked a box so it might email me responces ;p

Unknown said...

and im sure you can guess who i am .. lovingly yours, the computer email spamwar master, enlarge your penis today!

Clare Graham said...

Amazing photos james! What have you been up to lately and WHERE are you now?
Clare x